Creating animals and weather effects for my game! - Indie game Wooksong devlog #2
I've been implementing 2 animals (more to come eventually) and some weather effects for my game, and it's looking somewhat more alive now. I've realized I really love worldbuilding and creating a environment, so I might just push that for a little longer, and focus on player controll and potential bosses when I feel like it. (I will feel like it eventually, that's the good thing about me). I'm trying to get used to devlogging (and making videos in general, it's new to me), and I think I want to go for a more "bland" editing style, and focus on putting out weekly vlogs instead of putting a ton of work into one. Song: Sarah, The Illstrumentalist - Stars and Constellations Visit my Twitter where I post daily: Facebook: #Wooksong #Game #IndieGame #Devlog