Camera-Relative Movement in Unity 3D Explained
What the heck does all this code mean?! Today we’ll break down every line so that you can move your characters relative to the camera’s rotation in Unity 3D! Learn the basics of Vectors and SPACE and how to transform between the two. Put your programming hat on and let’s get started! ACCESS PROJECT FILES & SUPPORT THE CHANNEL: 💛 iHeartGameDev Merch: 💛 WANT MORE? Check out previous videos in this growing series of tutorials: ✅ ✦ Like the vid? Please consider Subscribing! SOCIAL: ✦ Discord ✦ Twitter LINKS FROM THE VIDEO: 🤖 Download Jammo for YOUR game: ⭐ And Check Out @Mix and Jam ! ►TIMESTAMPS: Intro: 0:00 Camera Relative Overview: 0:32 What are Vectors: 1:32 Vector3s Explained: 2:08 Directional Unit Vectors: 2:56 First Code Breakdown: 3:52 Moving GameObjects: 4:47 Coordinate Spaces Explained: 5:34 Moving Gameobjects in Space: 8:58 Second Code Breakdown: 9:50 Rotating Vectors Explained: 10:23 Rotating Vectors Example: 12:00 Moving in World and Local Space: 14:05 Removing Y Value to Stay Grounded: 15:30 Last Recap: 16:55 Final Words: 17:56
iHeartGameDev is a channel all about game development. Together we explore the ins and outs of the Unity game engine and learn best practices in programming through highly detailed tutorials that break everything down to be as beginner-friendly as possible. From character animations, to camera systems and so much more: there is so much to learn and share as we progress on our game dev journeys!