Unity Multiplayer Game Development - Game Loop & New Weapon

Hello guys, this is my 5th update video showing the progress on my current Unity multiplayer game project. Over the past month I have added a new sniper rifle weapon and given all of the weapons textures. I have also gotten the first basic game loop working. The current plan for this game is unknown although it is being thought about. Currently I’m implementing common multiplayer features and basically making a first person shooter game. As I figure out what kind of game I plan on making out of this, the features I add will start to be more specific to the kind of game I'm trying to make. ---------------------- My Multiplayer Development Updates Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLVqRTwCGjv9KcHW8jJmtyk5tfdr0XsDRF Tom’s Unity Multiplayer Networking Series: https://youtu.be/uh8XaC0Y5MA My Discord: https://discord.gg/7rGAAqC My Website: https://zxgames.net ---------------------- Time stamps: 0:00 - Intro 0:16 - Weapon Textures 0:56 - Hit Markers 1:10 - Sniper Rifle Weapon 2:34 - Game Loop 3:20 - Lobby System 4:01 - Team System 4:31 - Game-mode System 5:10 - Token Validation 5:58 - Outro ---------------------- Music: Title: Memo Source: https://youtu.be/ox_T5Ia_Y0A Title: Prometheus Station - Drifting Through Space Chillwave Source: https://youtu.be/yVnH9vOgnDI Title: Open World - Double Jump Gaming Chiptune Source: https://youtu.be/LzGskkRUDLA #Devlog #GameDev #Multiplayer #Unity3D #Unity #IndieDev #LowPoly #GameDevelopment