Unity Top Down Hit Detection for Arrows - Tutorial

I'm gonna show you how to add hit detection to arrows so they either cause damage to players or hit walls. First, we'll look at the common mistake of using collisions when implementing projectiles in Unity and avoid it by using raycasting instead. We'll also add tags to the archers and walls to distinguish them, and add a second player so we can playtest the game. Are you interested in making games with Unity? I upload frequently, so stay tuned and consider subscribing! Hi, I'm CouchFerret and follow me on my journey of indie game development. You will find in depth tutorials about developing games in Unity. We will cover topics from programming to art and game design. Whether you are an expert or beginner, you will definitely find new tips and tricks about the whole game development process. These how to videos help you learn unity to develop 2d and 3d games on your own. ● Twitter: https://twitter.com/couchferret ● Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/couchferret ● Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/couchferret/ ● Discord: CouchFerret#8776 #Unity #UnityTutorial #gamedev
Indie Game Developers
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Unity Top Down Hit Detection for Arrows - Tutorial